Epsom & Ewell History
& Archaeology Society
Current Programme

5th February Travels around Suffolk - Ian West
5th March AGM and talk by Jeremy Harte, Curator of Bourne Hall Museum on 'The
Bourne Hall area over the last 10,000 years with particular reference to the
last 35'
2nd April Prague: City of Spires - Paul Lang
7th May The Harpole Treasure (one of the most significant early-medieval female burials ever uncovered in Britain) - Gillian King
4th June Archaeological sites of Turkey - Richard Baker
2nd July Landmarks in the history and archaeology of Algeria: from prehistoric caves to the Roman period and the 20th century - Hugh Ricketts

Visitors are always welcome to talks February - December
Meetings take place on the first Wednesday of each month
at Ewell Hall, London Road, Ewell, KT17 2AY beginning at 8.00 pm.
Admission to non-members: £4.00 .
Refreshments included