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From the parish registers

1996/4 p12


From the parish registers


Sunday the 4th of December (1614) I, Thomas Medeloy instituted and inducted into the Vicarage of Ewell openly in the church of Ewell aforesaid, read the XXXIX Articles in presence of the congregation there assembled and testified my obedience, allegiance thereunto to the uttermost of my power, so God me help.

Witness the churchwardens whose names are subscribed

Francis Wilkin

John Rowse’.


‘A note of such christenings which have happened since Saturday the third of December 1614 on which I Thomas Medeloy, Vicar of Ewell was inducted into the said vicarage by Thomas Boyes, vicar of Epsom...

Marie the daughter of John Rouse baptised the 14 day of April Anno Domini 1616...

1617 Elizabeth Rouse the daughter of John Rouse was baptised the XXVIth day of December’.


‘1621 Marye and Elizabeth Rouse daughters of John Rouse who were drowned by their own father were buried the 23rd day of March 1621’.


So, it is possible, even likely, that John Rowse the churchwarden was the father who drowned his own daughters. (The difference in spelling Rowse or Rouse is not significant).


Peggy Bedwel

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