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Epsom & Ewell History

& Archaeology Society


Test pitting 2019

Few things bring us closer to the daily life of our ancestors than an appreciation of the food they ate and this study, based on over 150 years of excavations in the Roman settlement of Ewell, looks at grain harvests, livestock, wild food, garden crops and imports. There was everyday cookery from the Celtic tradition, exotic Romainsed delicacies to be sold to strangers, and special meat to be eaten in feasts shared with the silent dead. The economy of this roadside market village was influenced by nearby London, but retained many foodways from a simpler native past.

This publication will be on sale for £3.50 at EEHAS meetings or from the Bourne Hall Museum shop.

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The first 10 Occasional Papers , which are now

out of print, have been uploaded. Find them under the EEHAS Papers tab.






A Recent addition to website


A display on The Mills of Ewell can now be found under the Local History tab


Have a look at the latest sites added to the Archaeological Papers tab under Archaeology.


The published sites are as follows:

  • Prehistoric and Roman Settlement in  Reigate Road, Ewell: fieldwork conducted by Tom K Walls 1945-52

  • Gazetteer of Romano-British Archaeological Finds in Ewell

  • Excavation at Woodgate, London Rd, Ewell 1976

  • St Mary's No.5 Churchyard, Ewell (ECY00)

  • King William IV site, Ewell


EEHAS is partnered with Surrey Archaeological Society in their National Lottery Heritage Fund Outreach Project. SyAS is offering everyone free course which may lead to added involvement in the history and archcaeology, both locally and Surrey-wide (concludes 2021).


Community test pitting took place on 21-22nd September 2019 in Nonsuch Park  


Test pits were placed over magnetometry anomalies which highlighted possible linear features.the project was set up to attempt to discover the postition of the later stables relating to Nonsuch Palace. A number of families and adult volunteers dug 7 test pits in 10cm spits. Everyone got involved with either digging or finds processing and a good time was had by all.  

Displays about the history of Nonsuch Palace and of metal detecting finds found previously, and on the Sunday vistors were entertained by Tudor reenactors Helen and Paul of Discover History


EE test pitting


Wartime in a Surrey Town


EEHAS is pleased to announce the publication of Wartime in a Surrey Town: Epsom 1914-1918. Written in 1994 to commemorate the 80th aniversary of the First World War, it was the last work by the local historian Trevor white for the 100th anniversary of the end of the war we have brought out a version reproducing the original text (with some editing but no additional material), and adding a number of illustrations from the archives of Bourne Hall Museum.


Trevor White (1928-1997) was Epsom born and bred. His father was a shoemaker in the Upper High Street and his grandfather, from Clayton Road, was a racing correspondent. Following his retirement, after a varied career,  he wrote Epsom Entertained! and collaborated on Epsom: A Pictorial History, published in 1992.


Thanks must go to Jeremy Harte, Curator of Bourne Hall Museum, who prepared Trevor's work for publication.


94 pages - £9.50

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Yet another Vacancy


Could you organise our refreshments rota for the monthly meetings? It is not an onerous task but is a vital one for the Society.

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Lecture Co-ordinator


EEHAS has need of a lecture co-ordinator to arrange our visiting speakers. If you would be interested in taking this on please let us know.






The latest Ewell excavation report to be added to the website is:


St Mary's No.5 Churchyard, Ewell (ECY00)

An Archival Report

by Clive Orton


Find this report by clicking on the Archaeology tab

Look under Outside Events for a range of historical and archaeological based activities in Surrey, the south-east and London

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